Any transformation involves the organizational dimensions (organization, resources and processes) of the enterprise, but also its intangible components such as its culture, values, skills and practices. This means having an integrated and coherent approach.
Take the example of implementing a new CRM solution that aims to improve part of the weakness of the client value chain. It appears that these modifications will impact the organizational model, the processes, the tools but also the management model and the driving method.
From a relatively simple project based on a technological dimension, we end up in a far more complex work involving multiple resources of the enterprise requiring specific skills, an appropriate governance, a cultural change as well as an evolution of the ecosystem .
At VIRTUS Management we consider that the management team must act on the enterprise’s capital (human, organizational, technological, relational) to achieve its transformation and drive sustainable performances. To do this, we need to identify the levers enabling to mobilize these capitals as well as performing and synchronizing the appropriate programs.

The selection of these levers is done according to the targeted project, the objectives to perform, and the situation/context of the enterprise at the moment when the management team decides to undertake it.
Our methodogy allows us to identify the triptych [capitals-levers-programs] appropriate to your transformation project, and to define together the key performance indicators (KPI).

Our support begins with the co-definition of the objectives and ends with the effective measurements of the impacts (KPI), potential adjustments and return on investment.